Need a Locksmith?

key, car, auto, automotive, residential, house, home, lockout, business, commercial, lock, locksmith


Have you locked yourself out of your car?

Do you need a new car key, duplicate or replacement?

Not to worry - ACME Locksmith is here to help with all of your lock & key needs

Whether you have locked your keys in your car, or if they are lost, stolen, or broken, we can help. 

Our service technicians can unlock your car and make you a new key, if needed, on the spot. This includes transponder / chip keys. Not sure if you have a transponder key? 


Have you locked yourself out of you home?

If you have locked yourself out of your home, our service technicians will do everything in their power to get you back into your home without having to replace your existing locks.  All of our technicians are trained to pick even the most difficult locks.

If you would like to replace your existing door locks & deadbolts, whether they are damaged or you are just looking for a new look or added security, we can do that too. Our technicians are also trained to re-key your existing locks.  

Not sure if you want to re-key or replace?


Did you recently purchase a new space to start-up or expand your business? 

Or maybe you are leasing a space and would like to ensure none of the previous occupants can gain entrance.

Have you been forced to let someone go and they had access to the keys? 

In any case, it may be wise to re-key or replace your existing locks. In some cases it is a requirement by insurance companies to re-key your locks (at minimum) following any termination.

ACME can assist with re-keying or replacing the existing hardware on your commercial space.